Thursday, May 21, 2009

Stick a fork in it

turn out the lights. This market is dead, we are headed MUCH MUCH lower longer term, of that I am certain.

Trade-able............ yes, always.

AEM call was obviously off time, as that is why I mentioned 2 days ago to EXIT, w/ a stop above the same entry price I called.

When I do see something "change" that was different from my original view, I respect it, and I will mention it.

The most successful and profitable skill to have as a trader is the ability bail on a changed trend, and not be stubborn with a prior idea, to take tiny losses.

Cut the losers off so fast they are barely even losers
Ride your winners all the way till they prove they stopped being winners

I mentioned last week, that this week I was NOT going to be trading heavily, as the POST earnings trend is now behind us. And that trade was pouring money w/ a firehose, so I wouldn't expect the "post-earnings" trade game plan to be a GIMME. So how I trade, I prefer to sit cash heavy, then when i observe what some new trends are, then start mashing the gas and posting several ideas again.

sector rotation wise, besides the "hyper-inflation" plays, it's difficult to tell what is strong and what is weak here just yet to me.

But I am seeing some trends here, and I will post them in the next thread.

The market action this week hasn't really shown any "gimme" trends here, of course the hyper-inflation trade yes. But now with the "hype" it has already, ie fast money etc. It's chasing big time here, and the easy money is already made. Maybe there are much more legs to it, I don't know. I just hate chasing, if you follow how I trade you know I prefer to scalp reversals swing trends, or jump on at least early in the train ride, and also bail early and reduce risk.

From how the market is trading here this week. It does gives me added conviction that on the LONGER term, we are headed much much lower.